BEL reports Rs.4,618 crore ‘provisional’ turnover
The Bangalore-based Navratna defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has reported a `provisional' turnover of Rs. 4,618 crore for the year 2008-09, indicating a 12 percent increase over the year-before turnover figures of Rs. 4,102.54 crore.
In terms of the turnover per employee, figures depicted a year-on-year increase from Rs. 33.16 lakh to Rs. 38.6 lakh. The value added per employee also depicted an increase from Rs. 16 lakh to Rs. 18 lakh, as BEL exports also went up nearly 15 percent - from $15.43 million to $17.75 million.
However, the anticipated Profit Before Tax figures indicate a 6.5 percent drop - falling from the last year figures of Rs. 1,171.3 crore to Rs. 1,095 crore. The order book as on April 1, 2009, is expected to be more or less Rs. 10,000 crore.
During the course of the year, BEL introduced and supplied over 20 new products. The list of new products chiefly included light weight helicopter-borne ESM Systems; ship-borne radar band ESM system; upgraded fire control systems; light weight vehicle-based direction finding systems; radar finger printing system; upgraded EVMs; wide area network for BSF; synchronous transfer mode encryptors, and thermal imager sight for existing radars.