Beedi More Harmful Than Cigaratte, Says Report

A new report by the health ministry has revealed that beedi, a hand rolled Beedi – A Silent Killer!cigarette commonly famous in India, is the major cause of tuberculosis deaths.

The report also said that more than 100 million poor people in India smoke Beedi, which is far more injurious to health than the traditional cigarette.

Beedi, the most widely used form of tobacco, contained more poisonous and toxic chemicals than ordinary cigarettes. It contains higher levels of hydrogen, ammonia, cyanide, phenol and carbon monoxide, which is fatal and causes cancer.

In India, Beedi is commonly being consumed by the poor class and the uneducated people.

More disturbing findings were that children aged between 13 and 15 are currently hooked to beedi-smoking.

India is the largest producer of beedi. Because of the availability of cheap labour Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu are the major beedi manufacturing hubs in India.

The Centre for Disease control and Prevention in Atlanta, World Health Organization and the US Department of Health and Human Sciences prepared the report.

Tobacco takes millions of lives throughout the world, and 438,000 American deaths ever year.

Though it’s a known fact that Tobacco is harmful, it is preventable.
