Barack Obama Camp denies that it sought to delay Iraq troop withdrawal pact

Barack ObamaNew York, Sept. 16: The Obama Campaign has denied a New York Post report that said he privately tried to persuade Iraqi political leaders to stall an agreement on scaling back American troops in Iraq while publicly campaigning for a speedy withdrawal.

Rebutting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari’ statement to the paper that Obama also tried to persuade the U. S. commanders, including General. David Petraeus, to offer a “realistic withdrawal date,” a top foreign policy adviser to Obama who sat in on the meetings between the candidate and Iraqi officials this summer, said no such conversation occurred.

According to the New York Daily News, Obama reiterated that he wants U. S. troops out of Iraq as rapidly as possible, and while the U. S. negotiates a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. Obama wants that brought to Congress.

John McCain senior foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann said he doesn’t know whether Obama tried to undermine Iraqi leaders but such action is unprecedented.

“It should be concerning to all that he reportedly urged that the democratically-elected Iraqi government listen to him rather than the U. S. administration in power. If news reports are accurate, this is an egregious act of political interference by a presidential candidate seeking political advantage overseas,” Scheunemann said. (ANI)

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