Bailout plan puts pressure on Euro

EuroThe concern over Greece's financial position has reemerged. It kept Euro under stronger pressure throughout the day's trade.

The European currency touched a low of $1.3533 this week. The spread between the Greek 10-year bonds and their euro-zone German benchmark rose to 426bp from 406bp.

The cause is attributed to higher yield on Greek government bond. It has now witnessed its widest spread between the yield on benchmark 1-year Greek government bond and their German equivalent since the announcement of € 30bn bail out package for Greece by Eurozone.

Ulrich Leuchtmann said, "The market is still very much in doubt about the success of the EU bail-out plan and that's putting the euro under pressure."

As per the top economic institutes of Europe, a planned Eurozone aid package for Greece goes against the Maastricht treaty and the IMF should take a leading role in any rescue. They further added that if any of the Eurozone countries goes bankrupt it would spell a deep trouble for the whole Europe.