Bad hair days 'may soon be over'
We all know that hair play an extremely important part in shaping our personality and physical appearance.
But what if you start experiencing a hell lot of trouble with your hair like split-ends, and shedding? Well you don’t need to worry now, because the secret to silky and strong hair has been revealed.
A German team has analyzed the exact process of interaction of individual fibres at the microscopic level when they rub past each other. Therefore, the team has found the secret behind the smooth and silky to touch hair.
According to the researchers, “The nanoscale analysis may soon be the key to the next generation of shampoos and various other products for repairing damaged, dry and lifeless hair.”
The lead author Eva Max further informed, “There's a growing need to make hair feel more natural. However, scientists still are scrambling to put hair care on a firm scientific footing. For the first time, we present an experimental set-up that allows measuring the subtle forces -- both physical and chemical -- that arise when single hairs slide past each other or are pressed against each other.”
To reach the conclusion, Max and colleagues at the University of Bayreuth took the help of the most sensitive microscope which is an atomic force one and has the ability to trace out individual atoms with an ultra-fine tip.