Aussie dads are world’s laziest fathers!

Melbourne, May 19 : When it comes to being lazy, dads the world over are no competition for Aussie fathers.

And, this revelation is based on a new study that states that men Down Under really need to shape up.

The study found that fathers in the US, Denmark and France devote a lot more hours to the physical care of their brood than Oz men.

"Australian men are not doing much compared to the rest of the world,'' the Daily Telegraph quoted Dr Lyn Craig, from the University of NSW, as saying.

"I think it shows how difficult it is for mothers here, especially if they want to participate in the paid workforce. They're really overworked.''

Dr Craig’s study ‘Father's Care, Father's Share: An International Perspective’ focused on the gender gap between men and women in child rearing.

She found that though the world over women do much more child care, the difference was the least in Denmark.

"However, the difference is least in Denmark, where work/family policies are pretty generous,'' she said.

The US was next, followed by French fathers, then Italian.

Aussie men however, rate low on the list.

"They're low by world standards and it is quite inequitable,'' Dr Craig said.

On examining the type of care fathers gave to their kids, she found that men Down Under spend 40per cent of their time on interactive care such as playing or reading.

"They prefer to be hanging out with the kids, talking to them or reading," she said.

"It's what's convenient for them. It's more fun to be talking and reading to kids than having to be schlepping them around, or feeding them. It's quite a different quality of care,'' she added. (ANI)