AT&T launches monthly instalments for smartphone users
American telecom giant, AT&T has announced the launch of a new program for customers allowing them to pay monthly instalments for their smartphone and also allows them to upgrade to a smartphone or tablet.
The new programme called AT&T Next comes following the introduction of T-Mobile's Jump early upgrade program in the previous week. T-Mobile CEO John Legere had spoken about transforming the smartphone industry and the industry has taken notice of the innovative ways to attract customers in the competitive market.
AT&T began advertising before T-Mobile's event to launch the service in the previous week. The offerings from the two companies are very similar and aim to attract customers with attractive payment options. AT&T customers can now choose to pay a monthly instalment plan for 20 months instead of a two-year contract and upfront fees for the smartphone device. If the customer decides to leave the service, he/she will have to pay the remaining instalments and not a termination fees.
The instalment fee is additional to unchanged service plan and is in the range of between $15 and $50 a month as per the model and service being availed by the user.