Ashok Leyland up 4% in BSE
Share price of Ashok Leyland has gone up by 4 per cent during the early day trades in BSE. The rise comes after a day the automaker got approval from the Tamil Nadu government for receiving a new order.
The prices of share started the day itself with a very strong footing. They raised 4.28 per cent in the morning to be at 77.85 rupees in the BSE. Same was the movement in the NSE where the scrip went up 4.28 per cent in the morning to be at 77.90 rupees.
The worth of the contract that the flagship company of the Hinduja Group has got is for 2,850 buses. It has come to it directly from the Tamil Nadu government. The order was awarded by the Institute of Road Transport.
The same was the trend in the other auto shares as well. They were all trading in green. Maruti's shares were up 1.02 per cent to be at 1,400.90 rupees while Tata Motors, the number two, gained 1.5 per cent.
Hero Honda too saw an up of 0.8 per cent to be at 1,750.25 rupees during the morning trade.