ASHAs will be given daily remuneration: Ramadoss

ASHAs will be given daily remuneration: RamadossThe National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) second Common Review Mission said that some improvement has taken place in health sector still a better management of health-related initiatives is required.

Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) appointed under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) will be given a regular remuneration along with the incentives they get as per the existing arrangement, health minister Anbumani Ramadoss announced after the second Common Review Mission of the NRHM here on Wednesday.

He said that the ASHAs would receive Rs. 500 per month in addition to the incentives they receive for the activities they undertake.

Report said that over 50,000 nurses and ANMs have been added on contract under the National Rural Health Mission, besides nearly 15,000 specialists, MBBS doctors and Ayush doctors. Such large-scale addition of human resources has translated into improved availability of health care services for people in rural areas.

The report said that there is large-scale evidence of poor people coming to government facilities on much larger scale than before. Attempts are being made to reduce the shortages of human resources, physical infrastructure, equipments etc. under the National Rural Health Mission.
