Arab foreign ministers meeting discussed Palestinian division

Cairo  - Arab foreign ministers met in Cairo on Wednesday to find out ways to support the Palestinian talks after Islamist group Hamas refused to attend the Cairo-brokered reconciliation talks.

In his opening speech, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal warned that Israel was the sole beneficiary of the rivalry between Palestinians, which spared Israel the trouble of moving forward in the peace process.

"If we don't want to accuse anyone of hindering the peace process, then at least we are required to remind all parties involved of one fact: That we must not forget that the sole beneficiary of the rivalry between Palestinians is Israel," Faisal said.

Hamas said it would not attend the Egyptian-hosted reconciliation meeting - aimed at ending the division between Hamas and its rival Fatah - citing the continuation of a Fatah-led arrest campaign against its members.

"Any serious and effective move by Arabs will not fulfill its aim unless Palestinians stand united behind it," Faisal told the opening session of what was an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers.

Faisal stressed that the meeting, held under his auspices at the General Secretariat of the Arab League in Cairo, should produce a common vision about ways to heal the rift in Palestine.

"Holding this session reflects our concern over the Palestinian affairs, where division had stood in the way of all reconciliation efforts," added Faisal.

Hesham Youssef, head of the office of the Arab League Secretary- General, had earlier denied that the meeting was aimed at condemning Hamas for its refusal to attend the talks.

"The Arab League is concerned at the effect of the division on the Palestinian people and the cause," said Youssef, adding that the meeting would try to find ways to resume Egyptian efforts to bring back all factions to a reconciliation dialogue. (dpa)

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