The Approval For HITS Launch Given To Essel Group’s WWIL
A real happy moment for the Essel Group when they received approval for the launch of Headend-in-the-Sky (HITS) based broadcasting services. Essel Group is well known for its Zee brand of broadcasting services.
Earlier, Essel were unable to launch HITS, since competitors including Star and Sony had refused to share the content since they believed that the medium had not got the government approval.
Following this, Essel had applied for approval for the HITS medium. The ministry of information has instructed the other share content with HITS operators.
HITS is rather similar to DTH, the difference being that HITS provide service to the cable operators and not directly to the customers as such. Cable operators then further distribute this service to the end users. The operators also get the benefit to get back digital feeds through the satellite.
The other difference is that where DTH works on Ku-band, HITS works on lower frequencies of C-band.