Animal lovers promote vegetarianism in MP

Bhopal, June 5 : Animal lovers in Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal wore bio-hazard suits in a novel protest to create awareness about the ill effects of consuming meat.

Wearing the suits, members of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) held placards that read 'Meat is toxic for you and the environment.'

"Our PETA activists are wearing biohazard suits that tells how meat is toxic for human beings and for the environment. On the occasion of World Environment Day, we want to spread the message that if people will continue eating meat and meat products, the entire earth will get destroyed. Meat is toxic for the entire universe and will make survival of human beings difficult on earth," said Nikunj Sharma, campaign coordinator, PETA.

PETA activists quoting the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said the meat industry generates more greenhouse gases than all transportation methods of the world.

Animal agriculture produces over 100 million tons of methane a year, they added.

About 85 per cent of this methane is produced in the digestive processes of livestock, and the collective effect on the environment of hundreds of millions of livestock worldwide releasing methane is enormous.

According to PETA activists, the best way to reduce global warming was to reduce or culminate the consumption of animals. (ANI)