Yahoo planning to launch new browser

Yahoo planning to launch new browserInternet giant, Yahoo! is planning to launch its own web browser to join the battle int eh already crowded web browser market.

The company will launch its new Axis browser for the users. Yahoo will unveil versions for iPad and iPhone, and plug-ins for the desktop browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari.

Ethan Batraski, head of product for the Search Innovation Group at Yahoo said that the aim of the design is to do away the need for a middle step in the Web search process which involves entering a query, seeing the results and going to a new page.

Axis is aiming to make it possible for the users to go directly to the result page without the need for seeing the results first. The company won’t completely eliminate the need for picking from the search results but it will make t much better for the users to go from search results to the new page. The new browser might help Yahoo compete better with other internet companies.

Meanwhile, According to the latest figures from the StatCounter, the internet browser from Google known as, ‘Google Chrome’ has surpassed rival Microsoft’s Internet Explorer in some countries to become the most popular web browser in the world.

According to the latest figures, IE’s market share fell to 31.94% while Google Chrome’s market share rose to 32.76% share. IE is seeing fall in market share since some time now and its market share was at 40 per cent in the previous year. Firefox has a market share of 25 percent and Apple’s Safari holds nearly 14 percent market share with fourth position. Opera controlled a market share of just 1.75 percent.