US prostitutes offering free petrol to truckers to keep business going
London, June 27 : Prostitutes in America are offering free petrol to truck drivers following fuel price hike, which is keeping their customers away.
According to Nevada Brothel Owners Association, fuel price hike has sharply hit their revenues that have dropped by 45 pct since oil crisis began.
In the Nevada desert, where it is legal to run brothels, truck drivers make up a significant proportion of the men
"Old George or Jimmy out there, he's got to take care of momma and the groceries first, and he's got to take care of fuel costs, and he's got other expenses, and he may not have much left over for having a good time," Telegraph quoted George Flint, the association's director, as saying.
To attract clients, some brothels are also offering extras facilities in form of free showers, coffee or overnight parking - free to any trucker willing to splash out for a good time.
In 2006, Sydney brothel The Site offered to refund 20 cents for every litre of petrol bought, as long as drivers were willing to spend some of it with the brothel's employees. (ANI)