Unpredictable Temperature not good for people’s health

Not even humans can escape from the impact of climate change. A novel research has unveiled that rising global temperatures are not good for people’s health. The unpredictable temperatures can bring a rise in death rates of seniors.

Study’s lead researcher Liuhua Shi from the department of environmental health at Harvard's School of Public Health in Boston, said that temperature variability is an important factor when it comes to impacts of climate change.

Climate change’s effect on health is not a new topic and has been discussed a number of times among experts. The study researchers wanted to know how weather affects death rate. For this, the researchers chose the New England area.

The researchers said many studies have reported that there is a link between short-term temperature changes and rise in deaths. But Shi said that there was not sufficient evidence to prove the long-term effect of temperature.

In the study, the researchers have gone through Medicare statistics of 2.7 million people who were aged above 65 years in New England from 2000 to 2008. The researchers came to know 30% of the participants died during the study.

With the rise in the average summer temperature, death rose significantly and the death rates dropped when the winter temperature rose significantly. Shi said, “Climate change may affect mortality rates by making seasonal weather more unpredictable, creating temperature conditions significantly different to those to which people have become acclimatized”.