UK Government unveils plans strategies to develop green energy

UK Government unveils plans strategies to develop green energyThe Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) of the UK government has published strategies to promote decentralized energy and microgeneration designed for consumers, communities and businesses across the country.

The Government’s Strategy on Microgeneration will help users become energy generators of eco-friendly energy and reduce carbon emissions. The action plan has been developed in collaboration with industry representatives, consumer groups and other stakeholders.

Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said, “I want to see a revolution in energy generation at a local level, giving genuine power to the people. We want to help people who are enthusiastic to generate their own energy matched by an industry with the desire, creativity and tenacity to grow in a sustainable and responsible way.”

The plan will also look to improve the efficiency of Government financial schemes such as Feed-in Tariff and the Renewable Heat Incentive as well as Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) process for small- and medium-sized organizations. It will also ensure collaboration of customer groups and development of talent base needed in the segment.

He also said that the new action plan will also enable the development of micro hydro projects and help growth in the industry.