Turmeric can cure esophagal cancer

esophagal cancerAround 7,800 people are diagnosed with oesophagal cancer in the UK every year. Recent study has indicated that natural chemicals found in turmeric could be used to develop new treatment for oesophagal cancer. Research team found that turmeric has potential to kill cancer cells.

Turmeric, the bright yellow curry spice, is known for its various health benefits. Turmeric is used popularly in Indian homes for cooking as well as in various home remedies for various ailments. Earlier studies have already proved potential of turmeric in treating arthritis and dementia.

Study conducted by Dr. Sharon McKenna and her team at the Cork Cancer Research Center showed that curcumin, a chemical pigment in turmeric, can kill gullet cancer cells or cancer of the oesophagus. During lab tests, it was found that curcumin started destroying cancer cells within 24 hours.

Dr. Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: "This is interesting research which opens up the possibility that natural chemicals found in turmeric could be developed into new treatments for oesophageal cancer.