Top Brit cops concealed Princess Diana’s death fear note

London, Jan 16: Princess DianaBritain’s top police officers concealed a legal document confirming Princess Diana’s fears that there was a plot to kill her in a car crash, the inquest into her death has heard.

Victor Mishcon, the Princess' lawyer, went to Scotland Yard almost three weeks after her death to disclose that she had a meeting with her legal team two years earlier to record her suspicions that her life was in danger.

However, Paul Condon, the then commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and David Veness, then assistant commissioner, decided against handing over Mishcon's memo to French detectives, English coroners or even the Lord Chancellor.

Instead, the evidence was kept secret for six years because the policemen decided the death was a “tragic accident”, Sir David told the inquest, reports Times Online.

In 2003, Condon's successor, John Stevens, decided to go public with the note when Paul Burrell, the Princess's former butler, revealed that he had a handwritten note from the Princess claiming that her husband, the Prince of Wales, was planning to kill her. (ANI)