Threatening’ foreign entertainers banned in China

ChinaLondon, July 18 : In a move to avert any danger to China’s unity, the government has banned performers from outside the country to attend events that "threaten national sovereignty"

The ban comes in line with Bjork’s cry after a performance, where she shouted "Tibet, Tibet" at a Shanghai concert in March.

After the performance, the ministry of culture announced that any artists who "whip up ethnic hatred" during performances would also be banned.

"Any artistic group or individual who have ever engaged in activities which threaten our national sovereignty will not be allowed in," The BBC quoted the ministry, as saying in a statement on its website.

The ban also enveloped entertainers who "threaten national unity", "advocate obscenity or feudalism and superstition" or who "violate religious policy or cultural norms", added the statement.

Bjork''s cry came after a powerful performance of her song Declare Independence at the concert, which made China''s culture ministry to say that it "broke Chinese law and hurt Chinese people''s feelings".

In fact, the culture body pledged to "further tighten controls" and said that even encores must be approved in advance.

As Olympics are approaching, this latest announcement follows the banning of pop festivals and the tightening of rules on outdoor events as the government fears embarrassing protests from crowds. (ANI)