There could be ‘pollen tsunami’ this spring

Many people are attacked by pollens, which leads to allergy. If one has watery eyes, a runny nose and an uncontrollable urge to sneeze, you might have been attacked by pollens. And now pollens are at their peak in New Jersey and people are calling it a ‘pollen tsunami’.

According to experts, it is at its peak as a result of the wet, cold winter that hit the region this year. According to CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook, "Normally the tree pollen starts at the end of winter or the beginning of spring and then the grass pollen comes in May. Now, it's been delayed and you're getting the tree pollen right now”.

The sufferers could get more affected and things may become worse. LaPook said that on account of the delay in the rise of tree pollen, it might get combined with grass pollen throughout May and even June. One can take some steps to deal with it. There are many precautions one can take to reduce allergy symptoms. LaPook recommends that people should wear a hat and sunglasses, when outside. He said that it is better to protect face as much as possible.

Once back from outside, one should take a shower after taking off pollen-covered clothes. LaPook explained that one should consider head similar to a mop, there is the pollen that can’t be seen and every time while touching or shaking head, it can be observed that face is being covered by pollens and it gets into mouth, eyes and nose. A saline spray could also be used to wash out nose; it could help reduce allergy symptoms.