Team purchases journal to publish Bigfoot research paper

Team purchases journal to publish Bigfoot research paperA team of scientists, which claimed in January that they have found DNA evidence proving the existence of Bigfoot, have purchased their own online scientific journal to publish their research paper to allow others to look into their work.

The research paper has been published online on an online journal called De Novo. However, the scientists have set a fee of $30 for any one intending to view the research work. The current edition of DeNovo Journal of Science has been listed as Volume 1, Issue 1 and research on Bigfoot is the only content available on the site.

It claimed that Texas geneticist Melba Ketchum and his team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology worked for five years on the research by analysing DNA samples to determine if the Bigfoot exists. The researchers collected a number of samples from across North America. The team behind the research paper claims that Bigfoot is a result of recent hybridization between modern humans and an unknown primate species.

Some suspect that the DNA analysis involves modern human DNA intermingled with some contaminant. Dr. Melba Ketchum and her associates have responded by saying that they have used advanced forensic techniques to prevent such contaminations and the DNA results shows evidence of Bigfoot's existence.