
Seminar at Hanover Fair may boost Italian geothermal market

Berlin - Italian projects to generate electricity using the heat of the Earth's crust are set to gain in value from a seminar for corporate investors at next week's Hanover Fair in Germany.

Merkel leads polls, despite disappointment with German government

Berlin  - Chancellor Angela Merkel'sBerlin  - Chancellor Angela Merke

Foetus found in jar in German shop turns out to be Halloween alien

fetus in jarBerlin  - A German teenager who left a Halloween joke alien in a glass jar on the cou

German prosecutors charge man, 86, with shooting Dutch men in 1944

Berlin Germany MapBerlin - Prosecutors in the German city of Dusseldorf said Thursday

IAEA's ElBaradei warns on dangers of "nuclear power renaissance"

Nuclear PowerBerlin - The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Mohammed ElBaradei, warned of the proli

Key German think tanks cut growth forecasts

Berlin  -  Germany's key economic institutes said Thursday they had revised down their growth outlook for Europe's biggest economy as the ripples from the US housing market crisis continue to sprea
