
Germany offers cash aid after Pakistan earthquake

Berlin  - Germany offered cash aid to Islamabad on Wednesday after the earthquake in Pakistan.

Scientists produce electricity from gas and water

Berlin, Oct 28 : Researchers of the Fraunhofer Technology Development Group TEG have developed a new fluidic energy transducer that produces electricity from gas and water.

Air compression systems can be found in many manufacturing operations. If a leak occurs anywhere in the system, the air pressure drops and production comes to a halt until the source of failure has been found. 

Sensors constantly monitor the pressure in order to keep costly fault-related losses to a minimum. 

At present, these sensors are either battery-driven or connected up by complex technical wiring. This often makes it very difficult or even impossible to install sensors in places that are hard to reach. 

German consumer confidence edges up despite recession fears

Berlin - Despite the deepening economic gloom, German consumer confidence posted a surprise but modest rise, a key survey released Tuesday showed.

But the Nuremberg-based GfK market research institute's survey showed German consumer expectations about the economic outlook dropping to a five-year low.

The institute's forward-looking consumer confidence index edged up to 1.9 for November from 1.8 in October, helped along by an increase in income expectations on the back of falling inflation.

"Consumers have kept a level head amid the sometimes dramatic developments on the international financial markets, and this is particularly true of their income expectations," the GfK said, releasing its latest survey.

Resurgent left-wingers invade German stock exchange

Berlin - Anti-globalization demonstrators invaded the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Monday, chanting, waving banners and scattering leaflets inside Germany's principal financial marketplace.

"We are criticizing the dominance of financial markets," said Stephan Schilling, a member of the Attac Network coordinating circle, in Frankfurt after stock exchange guards had ushered the group outside again.

Although the world financial crisis has not yet affected the bulk of Germans, the daily gloom of the past few weeks has prompted a resurgence of interest in political protest and in leftist remedies in Germany.

German foreign minister bound for Pakistan and Gulf

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter SteinmeierBerlin - German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was flying to Pakistan Monday at the start of a four-day diplomatic tour that will also take in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The onslaught of terrorist attacks and the growing financial crisis in Pakistan are expected to dominate his talks with Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, in Islamabad on Tuesday.

World economic crisis engulfs Europe's carmakers

World EconomyBerlin - The hazard lights are flashing over the European car industry, with leading automakers cutting production and scaling back profit forecasts as the world financial crisis hits vehicle sales.

Less than a week after cutting its earnings forecast again, the giant German auto maker Daimler AG flagged plans Monday to shut down work for about four weeks over Christmas at key plants, including one producing its flagship luxury Mercedes-Benz cars.
