Take Advani to the colleges

A vigorous campaign driven by youngsters freelancing for the BJP is among the innovations by the party's campaign managers to build and project LK Advani in the forthcoming general elections.

The campaign aims at getting 10,000 volunteers registered online through BJP PM-candidate LK Advani's website. The volunteers, not part of the BJP's formal organisational structure, will be provided publicity material to take to young voters. The volunteers would then take the BJP and Advani's message to others and seek to, influence, convince and convert them to the BJP point of view.

The party will shortlist 100 volunteers to mobilise students in college and university campuses across the country with "advani@campus" programme. This second phase of the campaign targeting the youth would cover more than 5,500 campuses. Advani, naturally, would attend only a couple of these programmes, the rest being outsourced to the volunteers, who will work for 100 days, round the week, like full-time political workers. O,ver 2000 volunteers have already registered.

The BJP's drive on the internet has already resulted in a website for Advani. Then his blog, additional websites and blogsites, like friendsofbjp.org, joinbjp.com followed. "Advani for prime minister" is the theme of five campaigns by the BJP on over 2,000 websites. 

Rajesh Sinha/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication

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