Strange excuses for using cell behind the wheel

Stuttgart - German motorists are offering curious excuses when stopped by police for using a cell phone behind the wheel, according to the Auto Club Europe (ACE).

"I didn't use it to make a call. The warm battery is against earache," said one motorist while another said: "It is a support for my seesawing jaw."

Both cases went to court, but the judge rejected the "unconvincing excuse" in both cases.

A driver also failed to impress authorities with the argument that he was using an electric shaver whilst singing to a tune on the car radio.

One businessman claimed he was only "dictating" a text. The court argued that the law not only prohibited the use of cell phones behind the wheel, but could punish offenders for activities other than keeping their attention to the road.

Drivers in Germany are required to keep both hands to the steering wheel. Using a mobile behind the wheel in Germany carries a fine of 40 euros (55 dollars) plus an entry into a central traffic offence registry. (dpa)

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