Stop questioning Ted Cruz’s Presidential Eligibility: Analysts
According to political analysts, discussions about the eligibility of Senator Ted Cruz for presidential elections in the United States should end now. His eligibility has been questioned because of his birth in Canada. His mother is an American citizen so he is considered to have American citizenship right from his birth. He was born in December of 1970 in Canada.
Some say that according to the constitution, it is not necessary that the President should be a 'citizen', whereas others say that the President should be a 'Natural Born' citizen. According to Mark Jones, a political expert at Rice University, the term has already declared that Cruz is eligible for the presidential elections.
Congress approved a resolution in 2008, in which it said that John McCain, born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, was a US citizen by birth; this is because the Naval Air Station was assumed to be US property.
According to Jones, "The general consensus among legal experts is that if you don't have to go through a naturalization process, then you are a 'natural born citizen. The only real gray area is that the US Supreme Court has never ruled on what a 'natural born citizen' is".
Many presidential candidates, such as Barry Goldwater, were born at those places, which were not states at that time, but were territories. And they have never been examined on their status of being 'Natural Born Citizens'.
There are many mixed reactions related to the eligibility of Cruz for presidential elections. However, declaration of his eligibility has cleared his way to fight for that leading position.