Sony unveils 3D imaging system at Berlin trade show IFA

Sony chief executive Howard StringerBerlin  - Sony unveiled Wednesday in Berlin its new three-dimensional imaging system, Real 3D, for cinemas, televisions and its Playstation 3 gaming consoles and detailed its first film release.

The Japan-based consumer-electronics giant hopes the product, to be promoted at the IFA trade show beginning Friday in Germany, will produce a huge surge in its recession-hit world sales.

"3D is on the way, and Sony is bringing it home," said Sony chief executive Howard Stringer at a Berlin news conference.

Sony Pictures is to release a 3D cartoon, Cloudy with a Chance of Meat Balls, in theatres to promote the technology, while Sky, the satellite broadcaster, is to launch a special 3D television channel in Britain.

Stringer said offerings would include European football games live in 3D. Viewers will need to wear 3D spectacles to gain the impression that they are looking at something real, not a flat image.

Sony added that high-resolution 3D films for home viewing would arrive in Europe in November.

Major manufacturers release many new products at the annual consumer-electronics fair IFA. dpa