Sleep Quality Important for Good Health and Higher Work Efficiency

Roughly, we spend 33% of our lifetime in sleep and if an individual faces sleep disorders, it can impact health in the long term. Sleep disorders should be carefully checked for and medical help should be taken whenever required. A new research paper said that different behavioral practices which are important for a good sleep, should be followed by everyone.

Maj. Jaime Harvey, chief of Human Factors and Operational Safety Issues, Headquarters Air Force Safety Center, said, “One of most beneficial ways to ensure healthy lifestyle is to prioritize sleep, the same you do best eating and exercise habits. And one of key ways to do that is by trying best to maintain regular wake and sleep pattern, everyday of the week”.

While sleeping, our body is at rest, and is recharging for the following day. The process of sleeping is complex and active. When we are sleeping, an important internal restoration and recuperation is continuously taking place. Huge amount of the information we have taken during the day is processed and stored when we sleep.

The sleep-wake cycle is synchronized via two systems, the circadian rhythm and sleep-wake homeostasis, which interact and balance each other out.

The length of periods of wakefulness and sleepiness across the 24-hour cycle are controlled by the regulatory internal circadian biological clock. The sleep/wake homeostasis system helps the body in tracking how much time they have spent awake and when they the body should sleep.

The process of sleep occurs in two states. First state is NREM (non-rapid eye movement), during which, there is a slowdown of physiological and mental activities. In this stage, the body goes through physical restoration, tissue repair, and hormone production. NREM sleep has four divisions or stages, and the deepest sleep occurs during three and four stages, when there is normally negligible mental activity. The second state is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Occurrence of dreams takes place during this state, when the brain is very active.

In case an individual is facing sleep disorders, the first step is to ascertain the reason for sleep disorder. Next step would be to seek medical help in case sleep disorder continues.