Simple act of getting mail is helping brighten 3-year-old brain cancer patient’s day

The family of a three-year-old brain cancer patient said that the simple act of receiving mail has been brightening the little girl’s days. At age of 4 months, Ellie Walton got diagnosed with brain tumor. The girl is now three, and has undergone more than 13 brains surgeries, as per her mother, Sarah Walton. Presently, the toddler is battling glioblastoma multiforme, which is a deadly type of brain cancer.

Walton said that during the past some months, the family has found an unusual and unexpected way of cheering up Ellie: postcards.

It all started when the grandparents of Walton sent Ellie and her elder sister Ava a postcard from Arizona. On receiving the same, they flipped out. The postcard of Ellie had an image of donkey on it. Her mother said that Ellie found a donkey in the mail the coolest thing of her life.

Walton said that thereafter, the girls began asking for more postcards from throughout the country, though they were most interested in Florida.

Walton recalled that she started telling people to send postcards, and they received some postcards. On putting a request on the Facebook page used by her, to let people know about the toddler’s condition, she received immediate response.

The mother said that they have received such a huge number of postcards that her older daughter Ava is willing to put them across her walls. She mentioned that they show the postcards to the little Ellie every night after getting them up from the post office box.

Walton mentioned that Ellie can’t step out of the house because her immune system has become very weak due to cancer treatment. The family received cards from 47 US states, and even got from foreign nations like Germany.