Ship transfer deal signed between U.S. and Pakistan
According to reports, the United States has signed a deal to repair and transfer the Navy's USS McInerney frigate to Pakistan following the vessel's decommissioning.
It has been reported that as part of the Letter of Offer and Acceptance ship transfer agreement, U. S. company VSE Corp. has been contracted to provide its Naval Ship Transfer and Repair Team that will manage the necessary repairs on USS McInerney before the transfer.
VSE will also be responsible for training a Pakistani crew on ship operations. The USS McInerney, commissioned by the Navy in 1979, needs a crew of more than 240 to maintain operations.
VSE says that after the Pakistani crew is trained, it will retain a small number of personnel aboard the USS McInerney to provide support services as needed.
VSE Chief Executive Officer Maurice Gauthier said in a statement, "Together, with our customers and the highly experienced and competent team we have assembled, we are confident that we will meet and exceed the requirements of this allied mission." (With Inputs from Agencies)