Sell RIL
Karvy Stock Broking Limited has maintained ‘Sell’ rating on Reliance Indistries Limited (RIL) stock to achieve a target of Rs 2,000 today.
The investors are advised to sell the stock in order to avoid loss, as there are full chances of a downward trend in this stock.
If the stock fell below Rs 2,070, it may see more weakness.
According to Karvy, investors can sell the stock below Rs 2,080 with a strict stop loss of Rs 2,120.
After selling the stock in today’s session, the interested investors can enter the stock again, but only on declines.
Reliance Industries plans to acquire a 6-7% stake in Jet Airways, in order to be associated with the domestic carrier`s USD 10-15 million proposed cargo airline.
RIL’s Hazira manufacturing division has won the `Golden Peacock Award for Combating Climate Change – 2008` (GPACCC). Hazira won this acclaim for having made the most significant achievement and contribution to protect the health of the planet.
Moreover, Reliance Industries (RIL) plans to set up its first North American plant in North Carolina with investment of USD 215 million. The new plant will generate more than 200 jobs over the next five years. Reliance Industries USA makes resin which is used for manufacturing plastic containers and specialty polyester yarns.
Reliance Industries (RIL), USA has decided to invest USD 215 million and create over 200 new jobs at a newly acquired polyester plant in the US. The company has acquired a polyester manufacturing facility in North Carolina for about USD 12.2 million from Unifi Kinston.
Unifi Kinston has entered into a asset purchase agreement with Reliance Industries USA which provides for the sale of all remaining assets and structures, located at the Unifi Kinston`s polyester manufacturing facility.