Sales in Indian car industry jumps by 25 percent
The recession proof economy of India administered a growth of 25 percent alone from its car industry.
As the reports from the SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers) Indians have off late contributed in the overall growth by increasing their intake and at same time rushing in for very new model a company launches.
Further divulging on the reports of SIAM it was observed that sale in Indian car industry till March jumped by 25% to 1.53 million units compared to last year.
The overall sale in domestic car rose to 155,600 units while sale of motorcycle rose to 708,349 units. Contributing an approximate total of 1.23 million units, leap in vehicular sales when compared to 2009.
It is believed that other countries when were suffering from recession Indian industry was busy making sales in the automobile industry, which clearly indicates the overall sates of automobile industry.