RIM Employees Doubt Their Job Stability
From the last few months, the Research In Motion Ltd (RIM) 2,000 Company workers had been suffering from a job nightmare because the sources revealed that the company’s would reduce its workforce by 11% and the company’s long-term health was also doubted by them.
Jim Balsillie, RIM Co-Chief Executive quoted that from past many months, the company suffered many losses and as a result of which, they were forced to organize cut costs and streamline operations, under which many employees would be terminated from their jobs.
Meanwhile, one of the employees, who worked in the software testing division, after the first cut was done, added that the new method had created many sever problems in the corridors of Canada’s largest technology company and many employees thought that the company’s decision was a black humor.
He added, “The VPs tried to put a good spin on it, How this was setting us up for the future and about how they hate to do this but they have to streamline for the future and position themselves better for success in coming quarters and it’s funny to hear that, because the comparison everyone is making is, are we on the verge of becoming the next Nortel”.