Republican Party using Jindal to reinvent itself

Republican Party using Jindal to reinvent itselfWashington, Mar. 3 : While Louisiana's Indian-origin Governor Bobby Jindal may not be quite ready for prime time, he does represent the Republican Party's attempt to reinvent itself by broadening its base.

It is remarkable that this 37-year-old first generation American policy wonk is being regarded as the Grand Old Party's new young savior.

Jindal doesn't see himself as the president of the United States in the immediate future.

When asked by a tourist whether he''d be our (America's) next president, the governor replied, "No, no. I need to fix my state."

This son of immigrants and Ivy League educated has been called the great beige hope of the Republican Party.

Jindal is the first non-white governor of Louisiana since Reconstruction, and in a state that has been described as "half under water, half under indictment," he''s a far cry from what Louisiana voters had taken for granted: lily-white good ole boys who made more headlines for scandal and corruption than for governance. (ANI)
