Report “Women at Risk” says vast majority of US women short on health insurance

Commonwealth fundAccording to the somewhat startling revelations of a report, based on data from the Commonwealth Fund's 2007 Biennial Health Insurance Survey, a vast majority of US women are either uninsured or underinsured for health costs and reportedly have problems related to medical debt.

The data, pertaining to the study conducted from June 6, 2007 to October 24, 2007, revealed that over 50 percent of women surveyed, who were found short on health insurance, cited cost-related problems affecting their health care - due to which they often ended up skipping a requisite medical test, prescription medication and other treatment.

Michelle Doty - the co-author of the study titled "Women at Risk: Why Many Women Are Forgoing Needed Health Care", and the director of survey research for the Commonwealth Fund - commented on the finding saying: "What it shows is that getting and paying for health care is an even bigger problem for women than for men."

Detailing on the possible reason for the health-care related findings of US women, Karen Davis - President of the Commonwealth Fund - said that many families need to make the difficult choice between the requisite healthcare and the other so-called essential payments.

While the problem of lack of proper health care insurance is pervasive among both men and women across all income groups, it is the women who are more affected!