Report shows HIV Infections Have Risen Each Year in Florida since 2012, Advocates blame Armstrong

A report of Florida Health revealed that the state is leading the United States in new HIV infections. Neither Governor Rick Scott, nor Dr. John Armstrong, top health officer of the southeastern most state, are taking the disease seriously, the report stated.

Both Scott and Armstrong are aware of HIV infection’s spread in the state. They know that the numbers of cases are surging, they still have imposed 48 months of personnel cuts in the Department of Health. Now, the decision by the two top individuals of Florida led state lawmakers to question whether people are becoming sicker after implementation of personnel cuts.

Latest figures are showing that the decision by Scott and Armstrong are affecting Florida residents’ health. Since 2012, cases of HIV infection in the state have risen drastically. The surge has been reported at a time when the nation is observing decline in such cases.

Data compiled by Florida Health shows that Miami-Dade and Broward were at the number one and two spots in new HIV infections in 2014 per 100,000 individuals. While reacting to new statistics, Armstrong said they are taking the matter seriously and do not dispute the rise in infections. According to him, Florida is currently spending more than $30 million in battle against HIV and AIDS.

“Staff reductions did not impact the surveillance, education, prevention, counseling, testing, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS patients”, Armstrong added.

The lawmakers are blaming Armstrong for the rising problem. According to them, HIV or AIDS cases were never his main objective. He rarely talks on the issue, and instead gives much importance to childhood obesity. Claims made by the advocates show, currently, Armstrong is under new scrutiny about rising HIV rates.