Repeated storms destroy mango crop in Bijnore

Bijnore, (Uttar Pradesh), May 20: Repeated storms coupled with thunderstorms across northern India have damaged mango crop in Bijnore.

Entire northern belt has been experiencing high velocity thunderstorms that are ravaging the mango crops.

The mango growers, who were anticipating big profits from a bumper crop, are now counting their losses after powerful squalls followed by rain and thunderstorms hit their orchards causing unripe mangoes to fall in large numbers.

"There are around 3000 trees here. And with rains and thunder squalls, we have incurred a lot of losses," said Surendra Singh, a mango grower.

Initial estimates have put the losses to the tune of around 30-45 per cent of the total crop ever since the heavy rains and thunderstorms began in the states of the Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.

“The weather conditions prevailing these days have destroyed the trees. The loss is around 35-40 per cent, but the exact figure is yet to be estimated, we are making a report and will send it to the authorities," said Shiv Kumar, district agricultural officer. (ANI)