
Thai troops asked to mobilize to stop underground garlic

Bangkok - To halt the flow of illicit Chinese garlic over Thailand's northern border the Commerce Ministry has asked that border patrols be stepped up, said local news reports Wednesday.

Thailand replaces diplomat negotiating border dispute with Cambodia

Bangkok - The senior Thai official handling a border dispute with Cambodia over a prized Khmer Brahman temple has been replaced, news reports said Wednesday.

Thailand first to provide cyclone-struck Myanmar with relief

Bangkok  - Thailand on Tuesday flew more than 300,000 dollars worth of medical and food aid to neighbouring Myanmar, which is still reeling from the impact of cyclone Nargis that claimed an estimat

Train accident in southern Thailand kills one, injures 13

ThailandBangkok  - A train derailment in the southern province of Songkhla killed one man, injured 13

Thai wet markets fight back against foreign mega-retailers

Thailand flagBangkok  - In an effort to fight back against the growing dominance of foreign mega-

Vietnam says no rice cartel agreement yet

Hanoi - RiceVietnamese officials Thursday rebutted a statement by Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej that
