Tel Aviv

Kadima projected to score narrow win in Israel poll

Kadima projected to score narrow win in Israel pollTel Aviv  - Exit polls in Israel showed the centrist Kadima party of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni scoring an extremely close, upset victory over the hardline Likud party of former premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

The three separate polls, commissioned by Israel's news channels and issued late Tuesday, projected that the ruling Kadima would retain its position as the largest party in the Knesset with a razor- thin lead of some two seats over the Likud.

Livni calls on Netanyahu to join her in unity government

Livni calls on Netanyahu to join her in unity government Tel Aviv  - Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, whose Kadima party was predicted by exit polls to score a narrow victory in Tuesday's Israeli election, invited chief rival Benjamin Netanyahu early Wednesday to join her in a national unity government.

Netanhyahu declares victory despite Kadima's apparent lead

Netanhyahu declares victory despite Kadima's apparent lead Tel Aviv  - Despite his narrow gap in exit polls behind the ruling Kadima Party of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu claimed victory in Tuesday's Israeli elections and said he would become Israel's next prime minister.

He noted the right wing block had become a majority in the Knesset and his Likud had more than doubled its mandate in the Israeli Parliament.

Kadima forecast to score narrow win in Israeli election

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni Tel Aviv  - The ruling Kadima party of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni could score a narrow upset victory in Tuesday's Israeli elections, three separate exit polls on Israel's television news channels predicted.

Two exit polls by Channel 10 and the state-run Channel 1 both gave 30 seats to the centrist Kadima and 28 to the hardline Likud party of former premier Benjamin Netanyahu, despite the latter's having led in the opinion polls virtually throughout the entire campaign.

A third poll by Channel 2 also gave Kadima a two-seat lead, but with 29 mandates for it compared to 27 for the Likud.

1ST LEAD: Kadima scores narrow victory over Likud: projections

1ST LEAD: Kadima scores narrow victory over Likud: projections Tel Aviv  - The ruling Kadima party of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni could narrowly win Tuesday's elections in Israel, exit polls by Israel's leading television channels predicted.

The centrist Kadima can count on some 29 mandates, against around 27 for the hardline Likud of opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, according to an exit poll by Channel 2.

Two other exit polls by Channel 10 and the state-run Channel 1 both predicted 30 seats for Kadima and 28 for the Likud.

Kadima wins Israeli election: exit polls

Kadima wins Israeli election: exit polls Tel Aviv  - T
