
Malaysia's opposition plans no confidence vote by mid-September

Malaysia's opposition plans no confidence vote by mid-September

Open verdict reached in soldier's death in Taiwan

Singapore  - An open verdict was reached in the death of a Singapore soldier on duty in Taiwan after an out-of-control Taiwanese fighter jet smashed into the base killing the pilot, co-pilot and tw

World Bank won't provide aid to lax loan repayer Myanmar

Singapore  - The World Bank is currently not in a position to give aid to cyclone-wracked Myanmar because the country has fallen behind in its debt repayments, Managing Director Juan Jose Daboub sa

A380 logs first intra-Asia round trip after diversion

A380 logs first intra-Asia round trip after diversionSin

Breakthrough film developed by Singapore researchers

Singapore  - A new film developed by researchers in Singapore has the potential to jump-start the plastic electronics industry in the city-state, the research team said on Tuesday.

Rwanda's President Kagame visits Singapore

Rwanda's President Kagame visits SingaporeSingapore  - Rwandan Pr
