North Korea

Experts cast doubt on claimed range of North Korea’s Madusan EV

Experts cast doubt on claimed range of North Korea’s Madusan EV

North Korea, the East Asian nation notorious for its authoritarian regime, recently unveiled its very first all-electric car, called the Madusan EV, which claims to be better than any of Tesla’s ex

US to North Korea: Stop making threats

US to North Korea: Stop making threats Washington  - The United States urged North Korea to stop issuing threats and instead to return to negotiations following a warning from Pyongyang that it would test a nuclear device and ballistic missiles.

North Korea said it wanted an immediate apology from the UN Security Council in return for standing down on the plans to conduct the tests.

State Department acting spokesman Robert Wood said North Korea's threats would only result in further isolation, and said Pyongyang should come back to the six-nation disarmament negotiations it abandoned after the Security Council statement.

China resumes North Korean tours after gambling ban

China resumes North Korean tours after gambling banBeijing - One of China's main border crossings to North Korea reopened on Wednesday, more than three years after the government suspended tours because of heavy gambling by Chinese visitors.

State media said the government allowed Chinese day-trippers to cross the Yalu River again into North Korea from the north-eastern city of Dandong, which was one of the main departure points for gamblers until the ban.

North Korea threatens nuclear test

North Korea threatens nuclear test Seoul - North Korea warned Wednesday that it would conduct another nuclear test if the United Nations Security Council refused to apologize for criticizing the Stalinist state's April 5 rocket launch. "Unless the UN Security Council offers an apology immediately, we will be forced to take additional self-defence measures to protect the highest interests of our republic," a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement cited by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

Those measures would include nuclear and ballistic missile tests, it said.

North Korea says US journalists face five years or more in a labour camp

North Korea says US journalists face five years or more in a labour campPyongyang (North Korea), Apr. 25 : The North Korean Government has that the two female American journalists it has arrested for allegedly crossing the Stalinist state's border with China face five years or more in a labour camp.

North Korea starts reprocessing nuclear fuel

North Korea starts reprocessing nuclear fuelSeoul - North Korea said Saturday it has started again to reprocess spent nuclear fuel rods to produce weapons-grade plutonium. "The reprocessing of spent fuel rods from the pilot atomic power plant began as declared in the Foreign Ministry statement dated April 14," the state-run Korean Central News Agency cited a Foreign Ministry spokesman, who referred to work at North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility.
