
Nine killed in Russian cargo plane crash

Nine killed in Russian cargo plane crashMoscow - All nine crew me

Former world champ Vitali Klitschko loses Kiev mayoral race

Kiev/MoscowVitali Klitschko - Former heavy

Medvedev promises closer energy ties with Kazakhstan

Dmitry MedvedevMoscow/Astana - Russia's new President Dmitry Medvedev travelled Thursd

Putin still the power behind Russian ‘throne’, says key adviser

Putin still the power behind Russian ‘throne’, says key adviserMoscow, May 21  : Vladimir Putin remains the country's real power ,Russian president Dmitry Medvedev ,one of his closest allies has confirmed.

According to, Igor Yurgens, one of Medvedev's most trusted aides, Putin has kept most of the presidential powers with him.

"There are difficulties in having a very strong president and a new but not so strong – bureaucratically, I mean, not intellectually – president," Yurgens told European business executives at a conference in Moscow,” said Yurgens.

Brazil, Russia, China and India leaders meet to broaden ties

Vladimir PutinMoscow - The foreign ministers of Brazil, Russia, India and China met for the

Last members of doomsday cult emerge from cave

RussiaMoscow  - The nine remaining members of an extreme Orthodox cult surfaced Friday from a cave wh
