
Indiaco Ventures Inks R&D Pact With Overseas Firm

Indiaco Ventures Ltd, a leading conglomerate deals in financial services, Indiaco Ventures Inks R&D Pact With Overseas Firmhas announced that its technology division has inked a research and development and technology licensing deal with U.S.-based Aerospace Corporation.

California-based, Aerospace Corporation provides technical analyses for civil and commercial space ventures along with national security space programmes.

Last year in the month of May, Indiaco Ventures inked memorandum of understanding with Norway based Giertsen Group for identifying and transferring hi-end technologies of the Giertsen Group.

Forest fires near Yosemite largely contained

WildfiresSan Francisco - Wildfires near northern California's popular Yosemi

Forest fire near Yosemite nearly half contained

San Francisco - Wildfires near northern California's popular Yosemite National Park were increasingly coming under control Wednesday, after days of round-the-clock work by nearly 4,000 firefighters

California Bans The Use Of Trans Fats

The new bill passed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has banned the California Bans The Use Of Trans Fatsuse of trans fats in restaurants and bakeries. This bill is the result of efforts of various health authorities which have been campaigning against the use artificial fat in food substances. Trans fat is linked to many heart diseases. All the health associations in U S have applauded California’s effort to protect health of its citizens.

Tesla to build electric sedan in 2010

San Carlos, California - The U. S.

Woods stumbles, but maintains out of US Open gate
