
Serb nationalists clash with police after Karadzic arrest

Serb nationalists clash with police after Karadzic arrestBelgrade  - Serb nationalists protesting the arrest of Bosnian war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic trashed businesses and clashed with police Tuesday in downtown Belgrade, news reports said.

After several hundred demonstrators gathered at Republic Square, a group of about 50 broke chairs and windows in several bars and attacked police. They fled when riot police appeared.

Three young men were arrested, Serb media said. No injuries were reported.

Serbian public shocked by arrest of Karadzic

Belgrade - The Serbian general public reacted Tuesday with shock and disbelief to the news that Bosnian Serb wartime leader and war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic has been arrested.

"I can't believe it. I though he was dead or that he will die hiding," said 30-year-old Maja who didn't want to give her last name. "I'm so shocked."

Serbia authorities on Monday night said they arrested Radovan Karadzic, one of the top two Balkan war crimes suspects.

Karadzic's lawyer Svetozar Vujacic told Beta news agency that Karadzic was arrested on Friday night in the capital Belgrade and was held "in some room" until Monday with "a hat on his head" so he couldn't see who arrested him.

Serb parliament suspends debate on EU treaty

Belgrade - Serbia's parliament Monday suspended for two weeks debate on a pre-membership treaty with the European Union after days of filibustering by the hardline nationalist opposition.

Parliament speaker Slavica Djukic Dejanovic called for the pause in hopes that Serbia's governing pro-Western coalition and the opposition can negotiate an end to the impasse over the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA).

Ratifying the SAA is needed for Serbia to move toward the EU and Belgrade's goal of obtaining candidate status in 2009, although Brussels conditioned its approval on full Serb cooperation with the Hague-based UN war crimes.

Serbian capital left leaderless as parties squabble

Belgrade  - Belgrade's city council deadlocked Monday over who should run the Serbian capital after a bid by hardline nationalists faltered, raising the possibility of renewed elections.

Sharpshooter Sekaric bears flag for Serbia in her sixth Olympic run

Belgrade - Winner of five Olympic medals, three-time world shooting champion and world "Shooter of the Millenium" in 2000, Jasna Sekaric finally gets to bear her nation's flag at the opening of the

Serbian parliament to discuss stability pace with EU next week

Serb nationalists, Milosevic's socialists to run Belgrade
