Recovery From Alcoholism Painful For Midlife Women

Recovery From Alcoholism Painful For Midlife WomenRecent study showed that majority of the career-oriented women, who drink to keep up with their male colleagues, are suffering from alcohol-related problems.

The study was led by Janice Withnall.

Researchers from University of Western Sydney studied 120 career women between 35-55 years. The study showed a dramatic difference in the "alcohol life cycle" of women and men.

Janice Withnall called it a ‘supermum syndrome’ where many were drinking in private, denied to reveal the extent of their drinking and were reluctant to seek help habits.

Janice said that women were drinking to keep up with their colleagues.

Researchers believe that 25 per cent of women in the mid-life group suffer alcoholism. Many women are taking help of alcohol to tackle various problems of personal as well professional life.