Probiotic pill could one day be used to prevent dental cavities by regulating pH in mouth

In a research paper on dental health, University of Florida scientists said that a probiotic pill could be used one day to prevent dental cavities by regulating pH level in the mouth. The scientists have come up with bacteria that break down substances within mouth and can handle the functioning of other bacteria that cause cavities. After further development and tests, the technique could be helpful in preventing dental cavities.

Bacteria on the teeth make a cluster together and lead to the formation of plaques, forming acids, causing teeth break down. Mouth’s acidity level or pH level should stay neutral. However, if it goes up, it raises the risks of development of cavities and other conditions.

The research by the scientists discovered the breakdown of two compounds in the mouth- urea and arginine into ammonia- which neutralizes the acidic level in the mouth. The study indicated that the people better at breaking down the two compounds experience lesser cavities.

To conduct the latest study, which has been published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, the scientists took plaque samples, isolating over 2,000 bacteria, and screened all of them seeking the ones that metabolize arginine, and reached at the one named A12.

In a press release, Dr. Marcelle Nascimento, an associate professor of restorative dental sciences at the University of Florida, said that they could use it as a risk assessment tool.

Dr. Nascimento added that in case they reach to a point where they can give confirmation that people with more of this healthy kind of bacteria within mouth have lower chances of getting cavities, in comparison to the ones not carrying the beneficial bacteria, and who could be at high risk, this may be among the factors to be measured for checking the risk of cavities.

Besides huge studies on A12 effects in the mouth, and understanding other bacteria coming in touch with it, researchers mentioned that they see the potential for some kind of treatment that may prevent cavity formation by interacting with bacteria present in the mouth.