President’s Rule was necessary for Nagaland: Governor

Kohima, Jan 04Governor of Nagaland K Shankara Narayanan : Nagaland Governor K Shankara Narayanan on Friday said that the imposition of President's Rule in the State was necessary due to the possibility of horse-trading and the insurgency-hit state’s special security needs.

Narayanan said that there was no option but to impose President’s Rule under the provisions of Article 356 and let the state hold fresh assembly elections.

On Thursday, President Pratibha Patil signed the recommendation of the Union Cabinet to dismiss the Neiphiu Rio Government and impose Central rule.

In December, the opposition Congress in the State had demanded dismissal of the Rio Government alleging a Constitutional impropriety on the part of the Speaker of the State Assembly for giving a controversial ruling on the Congress sponsored no-confidence motion against the incumbent government.

The BJP-backed Democratic Alliance had won the no-confidence motion by 23-19 votes on the floor of the 60-member Assembly on December 13.

The Congress legislators had also submitted a memorandum to President Patil in this regard.

The leader of the opposition in the State Assembly, Imkong had claimed the support of 31 legislators in the assembly, including 17 from the Congress, two from the JD (U), three independents and nine from the ruling Nagaland Peoples' Front.

However, the Speaker barred three independents from taking part in voting and held the votes of nine dissident members invalid.

Assembly elections are likely to be held in Nagaland in a few months. (ANI)

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