Prachanda to announce his cabinet

PrachandaKathmandu, Aug 22: Nepal’s three-party alliance leaders have unveiled their Common Minimum Programme (CMP) for the new coalition Government and hope to form the new cabinet today.

Leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal- Maoists, the CPN (Unified Marxist-Leninist), and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) met on Thursday to finalise the CMP and the allocation of portfolios.

"We have prepared four bases for the new national coalition government. We have finalised the CMP, the code of conduct for ministers, the norms and methods of operation of government and the formation of a political coordination committee," nepalnews quoted CPN-UML General secretary Jhalanath Khanal as saying.

"The cabinet portfolio allocation is also being finalized. We will possibly form the cabinet on Friday," Khanal said.

So far, the Maoists and the UML have reached an understanding on who will get which post in the cabinet. Maoists will bag Finance, Defense, Information and Communication and Law, Justice among others. The UML will have Home, Water Resources, Local Development, Youth and Sports and Forest.

Foreign Affairs, Works and Transport, Agriculture and one more ministry in all likelihood will go to the MJF. (ANI)

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