Post-Graduation and Motherhood going Hand-in-Hand for More Women
More number of highly educated women are now having babies. A new study unveiled that childlessness among women in their early 40s is at its lowest point in 10 years. Major contributor in this rise is women who are more educated.
Earlier, such was not the case as better educated women had fewer babies than those who have barely completed their high school education. Pew Research Center analysis of U. S. Census Bureau data has found that the percentage of women between ages 40 and 50 and having at least a postgraduate college degree and not have a baby has declined from 305 in 1994.
Women's expertise also mattered, as those women who went to medical school or earned doctorate degree have brought more dramatic change. In 1994, 35% of women having these credentials in their early 40s did not have children, but now only 20% of them did not have babies.
One of the reasons behind this change is that more number of women is having advanced college degrees. Now, women in advanced education are not delaying childbearing and in fact, they are having more than one baby.
The study researchers said that 60% of women with postgraduate degrees have more than one child. But the number was 51% two decades back. The percentage of educated women having three or more babies has also increased 65 in 20 years.
Societal changes and career growth for women might be driving this change. "All of this has improved the ability to balance work and family. These educated women are the ones who have most benefited from these changes", said the researchers.
The researchers affirmed that educational gaps that dominated for so many years are now reducing. Now, post-graduate education and motherhood is going hand-in-hand for more women.