General Politics

Former Iranian prime minister to run in presidential election

Former Iranian prime minister to run in presidential electionTehran - Former Iranian prime minister Mir-Hossein Moussavi said Tuesday he was prepared to run in the June 12 presidential election, ISNA news agency reported.

Moussavi is a moderate technocrat opposing the policies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and considered close to the two other candidates, Mohammad Khatami and Mehdi Karroubi.

Moussavi, born in 1941 in Khameneh, north-western Iran, was prime minister from 1981 and 1989, during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988).

35 militants killed in Pakistan's north-west

35 militants killed in Pakistan's north-westIslamabad  - Pakistani military Tuesday said troops killed at least 35 militants in two days of fighting in the troubled North West Frontier Province bordering Afghanistan.

The clashes between the security forces and the Islamist insurgents began Monday in the lawless town of Darra Adam Khel, some 45 kilometres south of provincial capital Peshawar.

"At least 35 militants were killed while three soldiers were wounded," a military spokesman said.

Bernanke seeks broad changes to US financial regulation

Bernanke seeks broad changes to US financial regulation Washington - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday outlined a broad overhaul of how US financial institutions should be regulated, calling on policymakers to begin remaking the system even as they battle the current economic downturn.

Bernanke said the focus should be on financial firms of "systemic" importance to the entire system and whose failure could lead to a complete collapse of the economy.

ROUNDUP: Thousands of Guineans bid farewell to slain president

Thousands of Guineans bid farewell to slain president Lisbon  - Guinea-Bissau's interim President Raimundo Pereira praised slain president Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira as having represented "humanist values," condemning his killing as an "affront to the republic" at a state funeral for Vieira on Tuesday.

The 69-year-old president was shot dead in his home a week ago by soldiers angered by the killing of army chief Tagme Na Wai, Vieira's long-time rival, a few hours earlier. Tagme was buried over the week- end.

Obama links education reform to economic crisis

Obama links education reform to economic crisis Washington  - President Barack Obama said reforming the US education system was critical to the long-term health of the country's economy as he outlined his reform plans in a policy speech Tuesday.

Obama, whose time has mostly been taken up with a deepening recession since he entered office in January, warned that suffering standards of education could not be ignored and threatened the United States' global standing over the long haul.

Taiwan-based Tibetans protest China's occupation of Tibet

Taiwan-based Tibetans protest China's occupation of Tibet Taipei - Tibetans in Taiwan held demonstrations and rallies on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of China's 1959 occupation of Tibet.

Two Taiwan cities and one county have declared March 10 as "Tibet Day" as a protest to commemorate the Dalai Lama's fleeing Tibet to seek exile in India, as the Tibet Day.

The three places are Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County and Tainan City.

On Tuesday morning, Tibetan exiles and their supporters held a rally in the Cental Park in Kaohsiung, south Taiwan.
